Downtown of Indianapolis

9 ways to get your brand noticed in Indianapolis

Indianapolis is a jewel of the midwest, and on track with a full revitalization project.

With investment both private and public, this city is making a splash, and it’s a great place to get your brand noticed. You’ll notice a lot more Indianapolis billboards in the area now that things are turning around.

But since Indy hasn’t been in the spotlight for a while, you may not know the hotspots and business tactics that work best in town. Here are the nine best ways to get your brand noticed in Indianapolis, and tap into a growing audience of more than …

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woman working studying at home
Ideas Lifestyle

6 ways to live a more sustainable life

Climate change and global warming are at the forefront of everybody’s minds. As a result, more people are searching for the best ways to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The modern-day lifestyle makes it almost impossible to be completely carbon neutral. Most of the things that we do nowadays use some form of non-renewable energy or require the manufacturing of raw materials.

We drive fuel-drinking cars around, we get items shipped directly to our homes from all over the world, and we purchase brand-new clothes that we probably don’t need. Each of these things contributes to global warming by …

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golden retriever dog

10 essential ways to care for your aging dog

Welcoming home a puppy is possibly one of the most exciting and heartwarming events for any pet parent, whether you’re raising a golden retriever, a fluffy toy pom, or any other adorable dog breed. But there’s no halting the hands of time, and your pup will grow older eventually.

It can be understandably heartbreaking to watch your beloved pet grow old and frail, just as devastating to watch a human family member approach their last days of life.

But even though your pet is growing older and more fragile, you can still provide them with a full quality of …

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