chocolate cake

Making chocolate cake

Making chocolate cake is a pleasure not just for kids but also for adults. It is one of the universal favorites and making it can certainly give you an edge and flair when hosting certain occasions. Except for the rare few who are allergic to chocolate, chocolate cakes can only cause you a better mood, as attested by scientific researches on endorphin hormones which come in larger proportions from chocolate. The endorphin rush can also be attained by having fun in creating your own chocolate cake.

Here are the basic steps for making chocolate cake, my way.

The Ingredients

The …

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model mayhem
Lifestyle Tips & Tricks

Model Mayhem: Posing all day

Do you plan to have your best photo shoot ever? Perfect. This guide is meant for you. It has amazing tips on what to expect, the challenges and how to overcome them and emerge a perfect model of the day. The main challenge when preparing for and during the photo shoot would be ever running out of ideas which may happen to you and your photographer considering you are posing all day.

As a model, you should be willing to discuss any particular pose with your photographer so that both of you can agree on what to change and in …

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couple moving boxes
Home Tips & Tricks

How to make moving to a new house stress-free!

Moving to a new house is undoubtedly the most painstakingly long and stressful process one can go through, especially for those people whose jobs or lifestyle (army officers, ambassadors, local government officials) requires them to move around a lot. However, organization and planning is the key to making the move stress free and doable. Here are a few useful tips to make relocation a much easier process:

1. Accept the change

Uprooting your belongings and in some cases even your life to shift to a new place can be very hard. A lot of the times, people don’t want to …

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