Family in rv looking at road map

How to organize a family trip from Canada to the USA

Are you planning to visit the USA from Canada with your family in the near future? The United States of America is an extremely rich and diverse country, offering travelers a myriad of opportunities for fun activities, sightseeing, world-known attractions, and more. It’s a top destination for adventure seekers and travelers from around the world. The fact that it’s so close to Canada only makes it easier and even more tempting to hop on a road trip or catch a plane to a state that you’ve set your eyes on.

But before you leave with your family and embark on …

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Man riding motorcycle on desert road
Tips & Tricks Travel

The 5 best ways to stay safe when driving a motorcycle

Motorcycles are great fun to ride. They give you a tremendous feeling of freedom and help you appreciate travel in a much different way. There is nothing quite like the feeling of being out on the road with nothing between you and the scenery.

That doesn’t mean that they are perfectly safe to drive, however. In fact, if you aren’t careful, they can be dangerous. After all, there really isn’t anything between you and the scenery so you don’t have much protection.

Riding a motorcycle means having to take extra precautions to make sure that you stay safe while out …

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young woman holding map standing by rustic house
Inspiration Tips & Tricks Travel

A guide to improving your solo travel confidence

As you may have heard, traveling the world will open your mind and fill you with more confidence than ever before. However, building up the courage to head off on an overseas adventure on your lonesome might not feel like an easy task, especially if you suffer from self-doubt.

Despite feeling eager to visit new countries, embrace new experiences, and meet new people, you might allow your insecurities or limited travel knowledge to stop you from taking the plunge. If so, read this guide to improving your solo travel confidence.

Research Destinations First

It is natural to feel a little …

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