For something as basic as a laser hair removal, timing is everything. This is primarily important as the nature of our hair growth is different for different people. For starters, most patients would need to be aware of their hair growth cycles. This is important to save your time, energy, money and above all your sanity. Here’s what it scientifically involves:
Stage 1
The growth phase or anagen is the longest phase of hair growth. This is roughly counted unto six years or so. In this phase the body’s nutrition gets mixed with the blood and hair growth is dependent on the quality of food the body processes.
Stage 2
The transition or the catagen phase is relatively shorter and can be at best analysed up to three or sometimes four weeks. The hair at this stage is severed from the blood flow, making way for it to shed.
Stage 3
The shedding phase is also known as the telogen stage where the hair is at rest and eventually falls out. This is on an average about 80 strands a day. In case a person experiences more than this fall out, then there’s reason to worry.
The reason why these stages are important is because these determine the hair follicular cycle; an important point for the laser hair removal. After about three months of the complete shedding of the hair is when the growth phase starts all over again. So if you have booked your appointments with your dermatologist, your expert will need to know the history of the stages; thereby determining the hair follicular cycles. This also helps him to understand when he can begin the laser hair removal process and also when he can revert and ask you to come for the follow-up sessions.
The first appointment is usually the time when a definite growth cycle gets disrupted. Laser hair removal works best when the hair present in the growth cycle gets burnt out completely. The larger patches of hair in their growth stages; the better are the effects of the laser session. This also helps the expert in determining which areas need to be covered in the next session and he can space out your appointments for follow-ups accordingly. Lasers usually use the pigments present in the hair to work effectively. The colour absorbs light and converts it to prep up the heat energy. This also allows the patch of hair ready for lasers to be completely ready for the procedure. Because the growth cycles differ not all the hair are ready for the process; hence the follow up post the first session.
Laser hair removal is a modern and very effective hair removal procedure. The only thing needed besides money and an expert to work with is patience. Usually after about ten follow up sessions, you can be sure to remain hair free for a really long time. Thus is advisable that you attend each of the sessions that have been charted for you. Once you are diligent to the appointments, the results would seem like magic.