When choosing the right public school, parents need to make sure that the public school they are selecting for their kid should not be just bound to academics only. The school should lay importance towards extra-curricular activities as well. Becoming a parent is the happiest feeling you can have while choosing the right school for your kids is no less than the Herculean task.
Deciding the right public school for your kids is the most important decision parents needs to take. Choosing a school means you are putting your kid on a lifelong path of learning thus the selected path should be chosen wisely. These days, as students are running after marks, it has become really very important to give equal attention to other creative activities as that of academics. These days, students are running in the rat race to get the highest marks lacking in creativity and social skills.
Here is a list of things which you need to look while choosing the right public school for your children.
1. Faculty matters
The relationship between teachers and students is more important than that of any curriculum. Usually, parents trust blindly over the school as they think that their children will get continued attention and constant guidance from their teachers. Unfortunately, this is not the case in each and every school. In many schools, the hired faculty is not even educated enough to guide lessons to your kid as well as some of the teachers does not even bother whether the kids are gaining knowledge from a particular subject or not? Thus considering this scenario, you should always choose a public school where there is a good relationship between students and teachers, where the teachers are highly educated and excel in their own subject.
2. Healthy environment
Various studies had proved that a stressful environment can lead to a decline in learning and understanding capabilities of the kids. Now, it is the responsibility of parents to choose a school with the healthy environment. If a school stuck at a noisy and overcrowded location then you should ignore such kind of school and institution.
You need to look at both the internal and external environment of a school. You can go with private or public school review for a particular name. The disciplined and the sincere students in a school will make your kid follow the same pattern. However also make share to know about the techniques they use to discipline kids. As a parent it’s your responsibility to see that whether the school is providing education and other skills in a healthy and stress-free manner or not. Students spend major amount of their time in a day at school, hence the place should be efficient, stress free and productive. Now you can see, you need to look for a school with a good environment internally as well as externally.
3. Visit before choosing
When you find a school which fits your child’s needs than before finalizing it, you should visit at least once. Visiting before choosing allows you to get to know about the things which you will not find on the internet, by references or at anywhere else. Visit classrooms, meet faculty, staff, check the classrooms, playgrounds, etc.
Observe the relationship between students and teachers, observe the behavior of teachers with students, observe discipline and sincerity of students, observe the overall learning environment and talk to teachers and faculty members. After observing all the things, make a decision whether the school is worth selecting or not. In current scenario getting a good education for the kid is not only important but also necessary.
4. Modern tools and techniques
The days had gone when parents need to visit the school to get to know about your child’s status of learning and the academic detail of your child. In the modern era of technology, parents can get to know all about their kid while just sitting at home. Technology has grown by ten folds since the older time.
Look whether the school is trying to match up the pace of the modern technology or not. You should choose a school which has interactive websites and applications thus there will be better communication between teachers, students, and parents. There should be digital material uploaded on school websites and application thus students can access this study material when they want. Choose a school which encourages modernity and which gives access to modern tools and technologies.
5. Extra-curricular activities
This is one of the most crucial things which you have to look while deciding a right school for your children. As you know that various researchers have shown the contribution of the extracurricular activities in developing the overall creative and social skills into a kid. Extracurricular activities add an extra edge in your child’s capability of learning and in intellectual skills. It grooms their personality in physical as well as mental level.
You should understand the fact that extra-curricular activities have emerged as more productive field for your kids thus you should choose a school with not only good academic records but as well as which offers extra-curricular activities in their curriculum. Students are important so as the overall development of the child. Hence choose the school which offers both.
6. Trust your Gut/ Instinct feeling
At last, if your instinct says that there is something wrong with the school then follow your gut feeling. Choosing a school will affect your kid’s life and career thus you should be 100 percent sure before taking a decision of the school. Instinct/ Gut Feeling/ Sixth Sense is something which comes because of observation skills. Hence it is more reliable.
In another case, you might get a good feeling from a school, teachers, and faculty, if your instinct says that it is the right school public school for your kid which makes a difference in your kid’s learning capabilities then you can take the decision of choosing the same school. Your instinct will never lie you, follow your gut feeling, you will get the best public school for your kid.
When it comes to taking the major decision of choosing the right career path for your child always refer to credible sources that give the most genuine and unbiased information on various educational institutions. You can refer to some online sources in a search of the best career path of your child but make sure they carry a good reputation. Look for public and private school review that are easily available and make the decision accordingly.