woman using laptop

To say that the last two years have been an absolute nightmare would be the biggest understatement of the century. To think we all went into 2020 with excitement and hope, only to have them dashed by a new kind of virus that kills people in a seemingly random fashion.

Every time we ventured outside the safety of our homes, we played Russian roulette with a virus that science knew precious little about – other than it could be terrifyingly deadly if you met a specific set of mostly unknown requirements. Good times, right?

Then 2021 rolled around, and we thought we knew what to expect. We had vaccinations, well…some of us did – some people chose to ignore reason and didn’t get the jab, and things were looking up. And then the variants came, the vaccine-evading variants – those nasty suckers put a grinding halt to our plans of getting back to normal.

In all this time, our careers and home lives have hung precariously in the balance. 2022 is looking significantly more cheerful, however, so if you are in the market for a new job, here are ten tips to help you find the perfect one:

1. Be Selective

As challenging as the past 22 months have been, it doesn’t mean that you need to lower your standards when looking for a new job. Take the time to sit down and think about what you are good at or what you have a passion for doing. Usually, these two things go hand in hand, and with enough research and effort on your part, you can find the job of your dreams.

2. Decide On an Industry

Deciding to change your job role is not an easy decision. Often you will find yourself at a crossroads and will need to decide which way to go. Changing industries is significantly more challenging, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible.

Changing industries but keeping a similar role is usually a lateral move, so don’t expect a massive jump in salary or an entirely different set of responsibilities and duties. Once you’ve decided on a new set of career goals, be confident in your ability to make the necessary changes.

3. Revamp Your Resume

If you are over the age of 45, then there is a strong possibility that your resume has not been updated since the mid-1990s. That is not going to work in your favor because the recruiters of 2022 will be looking for updated and well-experienced job candidates, not people who still list Microsoft Word as a skillset.

Do some online research and find new and creative ways to market yourself to potential employers and HR recruitment teams. You can also hire a team to assist you.

4. Networking Events

It’s not always what you know, but rather who you know. Spend time getting to know your industry peers, these relationships will prove beneficial in the long run. Networking events are held in every major city across the globe, and with strict COVID-19 protocols in place, these can be a safe environment in which to thrive.

By expanding your circle of professional friends and acquaintances, you can be kept up to date on available career opportunities within your industry and other similar industries.

5. Browse Online

The internet is positively teeming with golden opportunities; you simply need to know where to look. Ask around on local job portals and directories, and you’ll soon be pointed in the right direction.

There are so many online jobs and career portals that you will be sure to find the career of your dreams in no time- gone are the days of combing through the classified sections to find a new opportunity. When browsing online, check out a tax calculator Quebec, to work out what your new position’s salary will end up being.

6. Social Media

Social media is a fantastic tool for employers and new employees alike. With literally thousands of career and job groups to join on Facebook, you’ll never run out of like-minded individuals seeking the same thing – new prospects.

Don’t be selfish with information; if you come across a job listing that a friend or family member may be well suited to, you should tag them or send them the relevant listing details.

7. Be Clear

There is nothing worse than being vague. Recruiters will not hesitate to dump your resume if what you are looking for is not amply clear. You must understand that these teams and companies deal with thousands of job seekers each year; they do not have the time to assist you if you don’t know what you want.

8. Set Realistic Expectations

We have made so much progress, as a nation, since the pandemic started, but we still have a long way to go before life is back to normal. You need to keep this in mind when setting your expectations – both in terms of your salary, and your subsequent working hours.

Most companies are still recovering from the blows caused by the ripple effects of the pandemic, so be reasonable. There is a way to negotiate your salary without compromising your needs, but don’t be greedy. Job perks don’t just have to come from higher salaries.

9. Tweak Your Brand

When applying for different jobs, try to tweak your resume accordingly. While you should never lie on your resume, it is perfectly acceptable to sugarcoat certain areas. You need to prove that you’d be a valuable asset to an organization, so if you need to tweak areas then you should tweak them.

Your resume and cover letter or video is the first contact you make with a recruiter; you need to make sure that your first impression is a great one!

10. Be Organized

Job hunting can be a painstaking activity if you’re not efficient and organized. Keep track of the applications that you send out so you know when you get a call what position they are referring to. You want to look as professional as possible, particularly if you are applying for several different positions.

Hang in there, your dream job is only ever one application away!


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