Girls on vacation camping with tents

Are you and your family members planning to have a memorable camping experience in the mountains in one of the weekends? Well, that’s an amazing idea and you have landed on the right page. The information shared here will help you organize for the coolest and most rewarding camping experience you’ve ever had. You will also learn ways to keep your campsite secure because you absolutely want to go back home in one piece.

Security precautions to consider when camping

When camping in the mountains, you need to be extra careful. Being on the lookout when out in the wild doesn’t make you a coward. It’s the gut in you reminding you to take care of yourself and your loved ones. As it is said, better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, if you want to enjoy your family vacation without worrying about the unexpected, learn how to secure the campsite and yourselves.

Secure the campsite

A secure campsite is the backbone to a great camping experience. While choosing a safe campsite is not as simple as it sounds, there are things you can do to help you achieve that. First, choose a campsite that has been recommended to you by several people and it also gets good reviews online. Practically, if other people camped there, felt secure and liked it, there is a good reason for that. Higher chances are, you will also feel safe and like it. Don’t be in too much hurry when choosing for the campsite. Take your time for best results.

The next thing to do after choosing the campsite is finding a site that is close to the campground host. You surely need to be closer to people who can help you in case someone needs help. If you have children coming along and grandpa has also vowed to join you, then find comfort in being near your host. This way, every member of the family will know that their safety needs have been put into consideration. Nothing will stop you from exploring the wild and enjoy what life has offered you.

Secure the tents

Other than choosing a secure campsite, you also need to ensure the tents are secure. The mere thought of animal or wild creatures walking around outside the tent without your knowledge can give you sleepless nights. If this your nightmare, secure all the tents with paracords. These inherently strong ropes will protect your tents and ensure no one is coming within range. If you haven’t purchased them already then it’s the time you do so, they are a must-have when it comes to camping in the mountains, the home of wild animals. Remember you need to get quality sleep even if you are not going to sleep on your comfortable bed back at home. Sleep is important so that you can rest and get the energy you need to enjoy your camping experience for the days you will be out there.

Tips for a memorable camping experience

Pack right

Preparing fully for camping is not quite possible. In fact, some manageable surprises are good to help you get the best experience of spending a few days in the middle of nowhere. Far away from the amenities you are used to. It also puts you in a position to think beyond the obvious and use what’s available. However, there are a few items that you should prioritize when packing for camping. They will be of great help and make your camping a success. Packing for a camping trip in the mountain should never be done haphazardly. Give yourself enough time to pack what’s necessary and avoid over-packing. Although you may feel like you will need all the items your bags can carry, it’s important to only pack the essentials. Apart from a tent which is obvious, other essential items may include:

  • Good lanterns
  • Sleeping bag
  • Fire starters
  • Solar phone charger
  • Quality coolers
  • Waterproof travel umbrella
  • Water bottles
  • First aid kit
  • Wet wipes
  • Sunscreen
  • Appropriate clothing
  • Food and drinks

    If you want to camp for the days you planned for, pack enough food and drinks. These two are a must-have to ensure your body is well hydrated and energetic during your camping. Also, remember to pack extra food just in case you stay longer than you had intended. Some snacks will also be super helpful especially to kids. At no point should you be tempted to consume foods or fruits you come across in the mountains. This can be dangerous and should be avoided by all means. You should also never quench your thirst from unpurified water sources. Your health is paramount, guard it by all means. Furthermore, getting sick at a place far away from hospitals is not funny to you and the people accompanying you. Don’t make it difficult for anyone just because you were careless.

    Since you are going to camp in the mountains, more bananas and water will be of great help. Drinking enough clean water and consuming bananas which are rich in potassium will prevent you from experiencing constant headaches which most campers in high altitudes complain about. When your health is on the check, nothing can stop you from enjoying your camping experience.

    Activities to do

    Please, don’t forget to plan for the activities to do during the camp. Come to think of it, are you going all the way to the mountains just to sleep and eat? What fun will it be then? A good camping experience must include interesting activities to keep everyone entertained. Remember to do this early and share the information with everyone who is going for the camp. This will give the participants ample time to pack the necessary gear for the activities ahead.

    Here are awesome activities to inspire you:

    • Hiking
    • Kayaking
    • Yoga
    • Board games
    • Stargazing
    • Playing cards
    • Climbing trees
    • Charades
    • Manhunt
    • Storytelling
    • Make sure that the activities you choose are suitable for the other campers. Every camper should find something interesting to indulge in.


      Camping offers you an excellent chance to connect with your surrounding as you explore the natural phenomena. It gives you a rare chance to experience incredible places in a unique way than it would have been if you were staying in a hotel room. While the same experience can expose you to some dangerous aspects of nature, if you are well equipped, you will enjoy your experience to fullest. So, if you have been postponing that family vacation because you are not really sure if camping in the mountains will turn out positive, go ahead and make your dream come true. You will be glad you made the choice.


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