Relationships can be challenging, to say the least, and none are more challenging than those without hope. It seems common knowledge that if a relationship is heading nowhere, people would simply walk away. However, that is not always the case especially considering the blindness that love carries with it.
Those who don’t believe in love being blind will call people out for holding on to a dying relationship. There are surefire ways one can note that their relationship is doomed. This doom may have begun at the beginning of the relationship or slowly found its way in.
Securing a mate
You might have found a mate online, say on, and are wondering if it is red or green all the way. The problem or challenge of weeding away the riff-raff and sticking to angels is tough. There are, however, things to note once in a relationship.
1. Silence
The silence between you and yours has grown to unbearable limits. When you are not communicating anymore and even opening your mouth to speak is challenging, it might be time to call it quits. This is one of the first signs that harmony has left the relationship.
2. Contention
The opposite of the above would be noise – sometimes piercingly annoying shrieks. If the relationship has no harmony anymore and what exists are squabbles, it might be time to call it quits. While a few arguments here and there are normal, constantly fighting is a no-no.
3. Lack of harmony
When couples begin dating, everything seems to point in the same direction. For instance, the lady might want kids and a career the same as the guy. This is okay until there seems to be contention regarding who wants what. If you want a career and your partner needs you to be a stay-at-home mom, there could be a problem.
4. Lack of intimacy
If you are no longer attracted to someone physically and intimacy has left the building, it might be time to exit too. When kissing, hugging or even holding hands makes no sense the relationship is doomed. Lack of intimacy in a relationship could be a deal breaker.
5. Attraction to others
When you no longer find your partner attractive and are eyeing others more often, it might be time to leave. Any relationship that has developed thorns and has you eyeing other apples is no longer valid. There might be no need to seek counseling, simply walking away is enough.
6. Friends are better
When the company of friends seems better than being around your partner, it is time to call it quits. Intimacy and quality time between couples is always sought after. If it no longer seems fitting or essential, the relationship is doomed.
7. Selfishness
When your partner seems to focus more on their issues than any of yours, it is time to leave. In the beginning, they may have seemed engrossed in you. Now, however, they may have less if any time left to spend with you.
8. A bleak future
When you think about a future with your partner, do you feel weak in the knees? Is this weakness from fear or excitement? If the future looks grim with him/her included, run for the hills. It is better to have an immediate breakdown than to fall apart in the future.
9. Trust issues
As long as you are in a relationship with no trust, there is no relationship there. Relationships are built on trust, and the rest follows. If you have to look at your partner keenly every time they return home, or are seeking to peruse their phone, it is time to call it quits.
10. Disapprovals
Sometimes, friends break up good relationships. Other times, family interferes too. When all the aforementioned notice red flags around you, it might be time to take a break. This break from your relationship helps you get a better perspective on things. It could save your life too.