The color scheme is a selection of different hues used in the design. Choosing the right summer color schemes is based on color theory that deals with the combination of various tones. The basis is the creation of an aesthetic feeling of endorsing some emotions. Color schemes are used in marketing, interior design, and fashion. There are several types of them, such as:
- Monochromatic. They combine several shades of one hue, like red or blue.
- Complementary. The based on Newton’s color wheel, these are the ones that oppose each other directly.
- Achromatic. Usually, they use neutral pigments like white, black, and all shades of grey.
- Analogous. Use the colors that are placed near each other on Newton’s wheel.
The use of such schemes helps to create a pleasant design and combine shades correctly. The more hues are used in one interior, the harder it is to combine them. Some people prefer to use online palette generators, others base their choice on internal feelings.
Summer-inspired designs are pretty light and deal with neutral and pale colors. They are great for bedrooms as they relieve stress and help to relax. The studies show that some colors help people to feel at peace. And it is a great thing for a bedroom. If you want to create more resting and inspiring space in your bedroom, look at these seven great summer ideas.
#1: Dark Blue and Grey Option with Yellow Accent
This is a moderately dark design with the use of several shades. It is more on a traditional side with blue and grey. The blue pigment is known for its relaxing abilities. It also reminiscents the sea and beach vibes. To prevent the scheme from becoming dark it is great to use an accent shade. Bright yellow is amazing for that. It is vibrant, summery and creates a fresh feeling. It is an imaginative project it demands attention and knowledge to develop, onside asking an essay service for exact color palette suggestions.
It can be used in several accessories, like bed sheets, lamps or seasonal flowers. Accent colors can be very creative. The rule is the brighter it is, the more neutral the other shades should be. You can endorse it with accent pillows or some decorations. Another great idea is to put some art on the wall – for instance, a picture or painting of a beach. It will make the space peaceful and remind you of an amazing vacation.
#2: Settle Summer Greenery
This is almost a monochromatic scheme with some grey undertones. Green is an amazing comforting color. It is especially good for people living in big cities. Sometimes there is not enough of greenery and nature around them. The green-painted bedroom can be a great option to solve this.
You can light it up with some white decorations of sheets. Another fascinating option is to add some organic and natural decorations of living plants.
#3: Creamy Beige Light Palette with Dark Accents
Beige hue is comforting and creates a feeling of home. It is a natural and neutral tone that can be easily combined. The secret is not to go too far with neutrals. It is the same as with the totally white bedroom – without accents is looks too sterile. Do not be afraid to put some dark-brown wooden accent in the design. It is also great to use natural wood for furniture. The light yellow undertone of this beige gives it a summer sunset vibe.
#4: Light Sunny Pastels Palette
This is an amazing option for those, who do not like dark colors. If you don’t want to use accented hues, it is not a problem. It creates a space for playing with different shades. These 5 colors are pastel and neutral, that’s why they are not too overwhelming. They are very organic and mix nicely together. They also visually enlarge the bedroom and accentuate the natural sunlight.
This scheme is amazing for a bohemian feel. You can combine it with silver or gold metallic decorations. The light palette gives the opportunity to get a bit crazy with accessories.
#5: Blue and White Ocean Style
Another way to remind yourself of the summertime is to bring the oceanic colors in. The deep blue hue is amazing for that. It is also great in a mix with natural colors and some olive accessories. This palette is pretty calm and can suit almost any apartment. It is also not very light so it will be great in winter as well.
You can add some ocean-inspired DIY art pieces or photographs from vacations. A great way to make the space more comfortable is to add living plants. Also, one can play with textures and add some different fabrics for accents pillows and plaid. A nice olive rug would be a great touch.
#6: Brown and Beige Design
This is a classic brownish palette that is suitable for bohemian of modern farmhouse style. It goes amazingly with light wood and white sheets. It is also suitable for people, who want to get good sleep and rest. These hues are comforting and on an analogous side. The metal accessories, like chandelier or bra, will add some stability to the design.
An outstanding idea is to use natural fabrics, like cotton lining.
#7: Neutral Grey Palette with Settle Accent Color
This design is suitable for people that do not like to be adventurous about colors. It is mainly based on grey hues, with some accents. There is a very pale ash pink and ochre color. They add a natural-inspired vibe. It is very light yet amazing design.
To get it even more interesting, there is always a place for accessories. Some lights, shelves, plants or art pieces can be easily added.
Final Recommendations
Color schemes give inspiration and help to create an exciting space. Summer colors can be light and deep, they are full of sea vibes and greenery. They help people to relax and sleep well. Use neutral tones to be more calm and green to feel refreshed in the morning. That’s why it might be an amazing idea to renovate one’s bedroom with these palettes. Use calming and comforting hues with amazing accessories. Add some pictures of yourself and friends on vacation to have the summer in your bedroom all year around.
About the author
This article was written by Elizabeth Price, a former Psychology student of Montclair State University, still eager to research almost any topic. She works as an academic coach at the essay writing platform. You can reach here on Twitter or drop her a letter to