Your life is already busy enough. You are running a full-time career, and two of your kids are in elementary school. Probably a third one is on your way when you receive a call from your elderly parent. They can no longer live alone, and they need help. The plan was that you wouldn’t put them in a nursing care home. The question is, “How do you manage to care for your kids and parents simultaneously?” It won’t be a ride in the park, but you can do it by following these simple strategies.
1. Make your home safe
You will find numerous articles talking about how to remodel your home and make it accessible to seniors, but it doesn’t have to be that complex. Simple adjustments and changes in the house and yard will reduce the risk of falling considerably. For instance, you may install motion-sensitive lighting so that your parents don’t have to walk in the darkness. You can also put handrails in the bathrooms to avert falls. Rearrange items in the cupboard and put the most used items on lower shelves so that they don’t struggle to locate it.
2. Determine the required care
Many people struggle with a lengthy to-do list, and that is why they end up troubled. Understand how much assistance your parents need. Make a list of daily and weekly tasks to give you an idea of how to plan your time. With an effective senior daycare software, you will know how much supervision is required and at what time. Use the software to record things that your parents need help with. You can also set reminders so that you don’t forget to do anything.
3. Involve your children
We usually forget that our children are watching what is happening. Although it looks like they don’t understand things, they do and would be willing to chip in. It is their grandparent, and there is so much they can do to be involved in caring for them. Encourage open communication about the events. If you are living with a partner, include him or her too. Let your family know when you are having a rough day and allow them to help.
4. Minimize financial strain
Taking care of your senior parents while managing a family isn’t a piece of cake. It can take a toll on your finances and burden your income sources. Reduce caregiving costs as much as you can so that you can relieve the stress. For instance, you can apply for an elderly government program. You may request your siblings or other family members to pay you for being the primary caregiver. Also, find ways of minimizing the cost of prescription medication because this is a considerable burden.
5. Prioritize caring for yourself
When you are flying, the attendants ask passengers to wear their oxygen masks before helping others in case of an emergency. Do you know why? You cannot pour from an empty cup. However, much the world needs you, never neglect yourself. Eat a balanced diet, ask for help when you need some, and take a breather when things get rough. Ask a family member or friends to step into your busy schedule and go for a break. Remember that your family needs you in great shape.
6. Have vital information on hand
Nobody wants the worst to happen, but that doesn’t mean it won’t. So, planning will give you an upper hand since you will remove stress from the equation. Talk to your parents about their last wishes. For instance, would they like a funeral or not? Is there any critical document they need to hand over? People usually postpone difficult conversations, and they have a hard time when their parents pass on. You will be liable for part of your parent’s last wishes since you live with him or her.