young woman sleeping

Do you wake up even after a long night’s sleep feeling tired and groggy? Maybe you feel like you’re getting enough sleep but can’t stop yawning throughout your day?

You may be getting enough sleep but perhaps the quality of your sleep isn’t the greatest.

A good night’s sleep can be hard to find with all the hustle and bustle of the world around you. But that doesn’t mean that you have to suffer fitful and restless sleep.

This guide will help you with 7 quality sleep solutions to give you a better night’s sleep!

1. Get Comfy With Your Circadian Rhythm

If you’re not sure what your circadian rhythm is then let me explain. This is your body’s natural wake and sleep cycle. Typically, this cycle coincides with day time sunlight and the nigh time moonlight.

When your cycle is out of whack, you’ll typically go to bed at different hours and maybe even wake up during the night. The first of our quality sleep solutions is an easy one: establish a sleep routine.

Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, yes even on weekends. You’ll notice that you’ll start waking up without the help of an alarm clock and even start feeling sleepy around the same time every day.

This is the first and most natural sleep aid to get you started no getting quality sleep.

2. Set the Bedroom Mood

No, we don’t mean THAT mood!

Set up your bedroom to be as sleep-friendly as possible. If you live in the city, invest in a good set of blackout blinds and/or curtains. You’re going to want to completely block out the city lights during your sleep because those lights will trick your body into thinking it’s not time to sleep yet.

The circadian rhythm we mentioned before is tied to the sun and moon. This means making your bedroom as dark as possible will trigger the sleep function of your rhythm.

An alternate option for helping you get up, especially in the winter, is investing in some light therapy. There’s plenty of options on the market like an alarm clock that mimics sunlight to help you set the proper bedroom mood.

3. Look At What You Eat and Drink

Take a look at what you eat and drink during the day and make notes on how that impacts your sleep. Sometimes food intolerances can heavily impact your ability to get quality sleep because of digestive issues throughout the night.

Be especially mindful of the quality of food you’re eating as well. Nourishing yourself with healthy foods and drinking a lot of water throughout the day is definitely a great quality sleep solution. Avoid caffeine too close to the evening as it’ll keep you up at night and affect your sleep.

If you’re doing all those things and still find yourself having sleep issues you can look into natural sleep aids to help you sleep better. Taking multivitamins, looking into options like melatonin and valerian root, or even chamomile or lemon balm teas can be helpful.

4. Exercise at the Right Time

Exercising is beneficial in more than one way and if you’re looking for ways to sleep better, this is a good one.

Getting moving even for thirty minutes a day will make a difference in your sleep by releasing some feel-good endorphins and helping you mentally and physically deal with stress.

But you should be careful as to when you exercise as it can negatively affect your sleep as well.

Exercising too close to bedtime when it releases all those endorphins can take a while for your body to come down back to its base level. You may get that ‘buzzing’ feeling with energy and have a difficult time settling down.

Our recommendation is not working out just a few hours before bedtime.

5. Turn Off The Electronics

It should come as no shock to you that there are many negative effects when it comes to blue light, especially when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep.

Those unnatural blue lights from your phone, computer, and tv trick your body into thinking it’s daytime and doesn’t allow your brain to fire the ‘sleep time’ signals.

Ditch the Instagram and Facebook scrolling before bed, and definitely shut off the TV and allow yourself to relax mindfully before you catch you zzz’s!

6. Get Your Stress Under Control

Stress plays a big part in your physical, emotional, and mental health so its no wonder stress management makes it onto the list of quality sleep solutions!

The impact of stress is quite widely researched and has been shown to impact the physical appearance of individuals as well as their mental and emotional states. Stress also makes it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Determining a way to manage your stress both on your own or with a licensed therapist can help you improve your sleep tremendously. Keeping your body in constant fight or flight mode doesn’t let it relax and calm down enough to rest and recharge.

7. Make Sleep A Priority

Along with all the above tips that we’ve mentioned, it’s important that you make sleep a priority for yourself. When you realize all the amazing benefits that come with a good night’s sleep, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t done so a long time ago.

Stick to a good sleep schedule and practice lights out by a certain time for yourself. Spend time before bed doing activities that relax your brain like journaling, reading, or even knitting if that’s what you’re into.

Don’t look at sleep as something that interrupts your ability to do more things during the day, but as the necessary function to be able to do things successfully and 100% effectively the next day.

Quality Sleep Solutions For You

Try out these quality sleep solutions to get your full good night’s sleep, and wake up finally feeling rested and rejuvenated!

Suppose these natural sleep methods aren’t improving your sleep quality. In that case, it’s probably best to invest in a new mattress and have a conversation with your doctor to see if a medical condition affects your sleep.

Check out the rest of my site for more tips and tricks to improving your life!


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