men grooming

Every man seeks to look attractive, and, fortunately, nowadays there are plenty of opportunities for that. Everyone can bring to perfection his look; and clothes, and shoes, and accessories, and hair.

To begin with, let’s note that men grooming is one of the key elements of his image, because they are the parts of the body that most often find themselves in the center of attention. People may not notice what is on your hand, or what expensive clothes you wear, but they will immediately see the way you take care of yourself.

Why men grooming is so important? Firstly good grooming is a part of style, secondly, who said that only women must be well-groomed. Men grooming is not less important so go on reading to find out some quick grooming tips to complete your unique style.

1. Teeth Care

Everyone likes a beautiful and white smile. Teeth can become stained for a number of reasons, the most common being consumption of coffee, tea, smoking, aging, etc. So you can use whitening toothpastes, they can slowly help remove surface stains. For men who smoke, be attentive to avoid the unpleasant smell from your mouth. Use breath refreshing liquids very often. When you don’t have toothpaste don’t skip this process, use soda, it cleans your mouth as well as toothpaste. For prevention, go to a dentist to avoid teeth problems.

2. Cut Your Nails

Hands, especially nails, are one of the many things that girls are always looking at. Typically don’t be surprised when you hear well-groomed nails are very sexy. That’s true, on both men and women nails are part of a sexy look. While women go to nail master, use beauty products to complete their nail care, for men it’s easier, you only need to cut your nails once a week and apply a hand cream (it’s optional) , just to make your hands softer.

3. Shaving

The shaving process in men’s life has a very important place, but there are tips that every man must know. Avoid shaving in the mornings. Let your skin wake up. Wash your face with warm water. Use a mild scrub to open up the pores of your skin to prepare it for shaving. Always shave in the direction that your hair grows on your face. Don’t forget also to shave the back of your neck every week. Use a handheld mirror so as not to cut your neck. After shaving apply a moisturizer to protect your face.

4. Book Your Next Visit To A Barber

Always look after your haircut. Find a barber which understands your style, and become a regular client. Actually, when you’ve noticed your hair needs a cut, don’t be lazy and go to a barbershop. Wash your hair very often. Frequent shampooing is necessary because hair collects swat and dirt. The soap in shampoo is very drying – and it can cause your hair to look dull or straw-like. If you like being in trend, you can also purchase some men hair products, for example it is not a secret that men love using hair gels to have a stylish haircut and have a neat look. Hair gels have always been responsible for the most iconic men’s hairstyles and help to control their hair.

5. Having A Beard Is Cool, But…

Definitely, nowadays having a beard is trendy and it gives a courageous, attractive look. But! Don’t forget to trim it periodically, because your face is the most important part, and if facial hair grows, it won’t look tidy. In this case you can again go to your barber, but if you’re sure you can do it by yourself, just buy a beard-trimmer or special scissors. Also purchase a special comb for your beard, apply some conditioner during a shower, and after use beard oil which hydrates and helps you style the beard.

6. Every Day Take a Shower

In the mornings, before you go to work, don’t forget to take a shower because your body sweats at nights. It will make you cheerful, energetic and your body will wake up instantly. Except that, you will feel yourself clean. Use a shower gel with a good aroma. And after you leave, apply a deodorant, so during the day it will protect you from sweating.

Especially in the summers, as it’s very hot, be more attentive to your hygiene. Take a shower twice a day; in the mornings and evenings.

7. Face Care

How are we all, men also have different types of skin; oily, dry, normal, sensitive.. And each type of skin needs its special care. Just taking a shower is not enough. If you have oily skin, just find a facial wash soap specially formulated for oily skin. And men with dry skin find a soap formulated for such. Do this procedure every day in the evenings after going to bed. Of course, don’t forget to drink much water for always having a fresh face skin.

8. Body Care

Except having the very basic grooming products; deodorant, soap, shampoo men must also bring into use many other things like body lotion, scrubs, hand cream, lip balm (optional) and of course products for foot care routine. Take care of your feet, as men almost always wear boots or casual shoes their feet sweat much. During the shower use feet scrub, and after use a pummice stone to get rid of dead skin.

9. Find Your Own Scent

Fragrance is the invisible part of both men’s and women’s personal style, and it has a powerful effect on how people will remember you. It’s like an invisible accessorize that no one sees, but everyone feels. So approach to the choice of your cologne seriously. Smelling good is the thing that you have to look for a long time, to find your personal perfume, which will match to your natural scent. Always look for original, charismatic and unrepeatable fragrances that in this way you could emphasize your character and be interesting for the opposite sex.

And a little advise for future – Don’t try to mask your body odor with your perfumes, because it won’t help. 🙂

So men, never forget to take care of your body, don’t be lazy to do all this care routine to be attractive and have a tidy look. Try to turn it into a habit.


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