Most of you may have heard about a keto diet but do not know much about it. First of all, a keto or ketogenic diet is helpful in reducing excess body weight and also improving your overall health and boosting your energy levels. It involves a low-carb and high-fat diet that takes a rather long time to show its positive effects on your body.
Once your body gets into a state of ketosis, it switches its fuel source from the carbohydrates consumed to the stored fat inside your body. During the initial few weeks of your keto diet you will face several stiff challenges. This phase is also known as the keto-adaptation or fat-adaptation phase at this source. Your body will crave for carbs and you may easily give in to the cravings if not controlled.
Keto Tips for Beginners
When it comes to starting a keto diet, it is very important for you to understand what it actually and how to get the best possible results from the diet. This is especially true for beginners, who have never tried any diet in the past. Here are 9 keto diet related tips for first timers that will make things simpler.
1. Keep an Eye on Hidden Carbs: It is needless to say that carbs are found everywhere. You will find it in sauces to dressings to even stewed meats. Before you start your keto diet, always read the nutrition label. It will be a mistake to assume that you know the carb content of a food product. If the label does not state the carb content, you may also search for the same on Google. It will also be a good idea to keep some snacks with you all the time that are low on carbs and filled with essential nutrients. You may also keep a track of your regular carb intake for the first few weeks in order to familiarize yourself with a food product that comes with 20gm to 50gm of carbs.
2. Replace Essential Electrolytes and Stay Hydrated: When your body starts transiting into ketosis, it will automatically burn the various glycogen stored in your body. As a result of this, your body will flush out all the stored glucose, due to which you may urinate more often. Although this is a temporary state for your body, it can easily dehydrate your body during this period. Frequent urination will also flush out crucial electrolyte minerals from your body. If not replenished, it may lead to muscle aches and headaches. Thus, it is always recommended to have mineral or electrolyte supplements and also have plenty of water to prevent yourself from getting dehydrated.
3. Think about Intermittent Fasting: There are many people who follow regular fasting or intermittent fasting in order to get into a state of ketosis faster. Once you reduce your calorie intake, it will automatically help your body burn through the stored glycogen faster. As a result of this, your body with transit into ketosis faster and also experience fewer flu symptoms. There are many people who cannot even imagine going without proper food for a long time. For such people, intermittent fasting is a great solution.
4. Increase Your Physical Movements During the Day: When you start a keto diet for the first time, you may experience various keto flu symptoms such as muscle aches, low energy levels, and headaches. Do not make the mistake of laying low to get some rest. Instead, try exercising through the physical discomfort. It is needless to say that any form of light exercises is a great solution in helping your body transit into ketosis by boosting the glycogen burning process in your body. Swimming, yoga or walking will actually boost your blood circulation without draining your physical energy.
5. Avoid Having “Dirty” Keto: Try any good keto diet and it will automatically limit your daily carb intake. However, that does not mean that you will give yourself a sugary treat and destroy your entire day’s carb control. When you talk about “dirty keto”, it basically refers to having low-quality food to your heart’s content sticking to your daily macronutrient ratios. These types of foods are often made with processed cheeses and meat and lack proper nutrition. Although these types of foods are well within the guidelines of a keto diet, these are not good for you and it is best to have them in very small quantities.
6. Minimize Your Stress Levels: Your body may be affected on a biological level if you get stressed out pretty much. High levels of stress hormone or cortisol can have a negative impact on the production of your sex hormone that may lead to a gain in your body weight. Although you adjust your daily intake of food and activity levels, it will be a good idea to try and keep your stress levels low, as well. Try meditation, journaling, and yoga to decrease your stress levels.
7. Sleep Well: Inadequate or poor sleep quality can have several adverse effects on your overall health. It can easily give rise to hormonal imbalances and make it rather difficult for you to shed excess body weight. Thus, always try and get proper hours of sleep every day. Sleep in a completely dry room and try to make the room as cool and comfortable as possible. Also, get into a sleep schedule that will help your body fall asleep at the right time.
8. Have Exogenous Ketones: When you talk about exogenous ketones, these are basically ketone supplements that are rather helpful in transiting your body to a state of ketosis by boosting the level of ketones in your blood. This is possible even if the stored glycogens are not entirely empty in your body.
9. Have More Fat: If you feel that your craving for food is increasing on a daily basis during your keto transition, you may try having more fat with your daily diet. Coconut oil, MCT oil, avocados, and macadamia nuts will prevent you from craving for food by making you feel full most of the time.