dripping faucet

A lot of homes have to deal with low water pressure for different reasons. Sometimes the problem might be specific to your house but sometimes it can affect the whole neighborhood. And while some people simply get used to living with it, there is no need to deny yourself a powerful morning shower and starting the day on the right foot. This is something that, in the majority of cases, can be fixed so why not do it?!

If you’re finally ready to face this problem and provide you and your family with a secure and efficient water supply, these are some ideas that can make that possible.

Test the Pressure

First of all, if you’re connected to the local water provider, the issue might be with them. However, before you call them, make sure you ask your neighbors if they are experiencing something similar. The city’s municipal water system can be affected by corrosion or get clogged which will block the proper water flow and cause slow pressure.

You can also check the pressure on your own by using the test gauge. All you have to do is screw the device onto a hose faucet and turn on the tap. Before you do that, don’t forget to turn off all the faucets and water appliances in your house. People who are experts say that optimal reading is 60 psi. If you’re reading are going over 80, that’s too high while 45 or 50 are considered low.

Install a Water Pressure Pump

If it turns out that the whole neighborhood has the same issue, it would be a bad idea to install a pressure pump. When you get the water supply from a local system, things like gravity and distance might affect the flow. So, installing the booster pump is relatively cheap and effective in this sort of situation.

However, if your home water supply is coming from a private well, then there is an even better option. Designed to operate beneath the earth’s surface by being completely submerged in liquid, submersible pumps will provide your entire household with appropriate water pressure. There are many kinds and you have to do the necessary research and find the one that will fit your needs. Most of them share similar features while the biggest difference is horsepower.


Pipes can get clogged due to a buildup of mineral deposits. These blockages can sometimes get so big; they will stop the water from flowing through in full capacity. Although this can lead to extreme repairs, like pipe replacement, all you can do is take care of unnecessary buildups inside your faucets. You may also want to install a water softener system to stop the build up from sediments and hard water.

Are There Any Leaks?

Pipes get worn off over time. They are susceptible to corrosion which can create cracks and leakages. Logically, this can cause water to come to your faucet is a lesser amount. To see if this is happening or not, you can do a simple test.

First, shut off all the indoor and outdoor faucets, and then do the same to the water valve. After that, see what’s the number on the meter. Repeat the same procedure after two hours and if the number is higher, that is a clear sign of a leak.

Check Out the Main Water Valve

Located near the meter is the main water valve which controls the water flow. For it to work properly, it has to be opened. If your low pressure coincides with recent home repairs, make sure you check it out. Contractors can close it off to fix some problem, without you even knowing, and sometimes they don’t reopen it completely after they’ve finished. The good news is that you won’t have to hire professional help for this, you can easily do it yourself.

Is the Regulator Working Properly?

The regulator is the device that ensures the water doesn’t rush through the pipes into your home. Most houses that rely on the public provider have this device installed either at the meter or where the service lines enter the home. If the regulator is not working properly, you will notice a gradual drop in water pressure. To fix this problem you will have to reset or replace it.

Having a low water pressure can be irritating but if you’re ready to invest some time and energy, and in certain cases money, you will be able to fix this issue. Detecting a problem is the first step. After that, you will be able to decide whether you can handle the repair on your own or you need professional help.


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