There are few, if any, nonprofits that don’t rely on donations to continue offering the services they do. After all, it takes money to run a business of any kind, even if it’s a ‘not for profit’ organization. This is one of the reasons why most nonprofits sponsor one or more fundraisers throughout the course of a year. The money raised keeps them in business and allows them to continue providing services and resources to those in need.
Why Advertising Is Important
Just like any other business, the purpose of advertising is to get the word out to a maximum size audience. The more people you reach, the higher your chances are of ‘hitting’ those who are willing to participate in your fundraiser. The bottom line is the more people you reach, the greater your chances of finding sufficient donors to reach your fundraising goals.
Hard Copy Advertising
Let’s look at an example of selling engraved bricks as a fundraiser. Here you will be selling bricks to perhaps pave a sidewalk or build a memorial wall. While you may have a regular list of people who follow or sponsor your nonprofit, reaching out to the community at large can double or triple the amount you bring in. Hard copy advertising is possible and easy to do with fundraising poster templates. These can be placed around town on posts so that they can be seen by traffic in the street and also posted in places of business. Sometimes those establishments in which you hang your posters will also donate to your cause.
Promote Your Fundraiser on Your Website
If you have a solid web presence, you could make a static post on your homepage. This could even be a digital copy of the poster you hang around town. Not only would that image introduce your followers to your current fundraiser, but it would also work as a subliminal reminder when anyone driving by spots your fundraiser’s poster and remembers they have yet to donate.
Free Spots on Local Radio and Television Stations
This was a common form of free advertising in days gone by, and if you run a 501k you are entitled to free advertising on tv and radio. When it comes to something as important as a fundraising event, this service to the community will often help you reach a much broader donor base. It may be off-peak hours, but if it’s free advertising, how can you refuse?
Email Campaign in Conjunction With Social Media
If you have a list of subscribers to your website or social media pages, you can send quick advertisements by email a couple of times before the event. Social media is where you are likely to get dedicated followers, so an email campaign sent to followers on your social pages is ideal for this purpose. Followers will often be the most receptive.
With all this in mind, there are ways to make this fundraiser the most successful of all. The key is to get the word out that you are having a fundraiser and after that, it’s a matter of sending a few reminders. Wishing you much success this year as you seek to fund the work you do in the community.