There are many challenges when it comes to being new parents. The baby’s proper nutrition is a key aspect of the baby’s health, growth, and development. In cases when breastfeeding is unavailable, the choice of proper formula for the little one comes first place. Recently, parents gave an advantage to alternative variants of formulas. For example, goat milk formulas replace cow’s milk formulas. What are the differences between the two types of formulas? What are the pros and cons of goat’s and cow’s milk formula? Let’s try to figure this out and make a conscious choice.
What is the main difference between goat milk and cow milk formulas?
The first thing considered as a difference between the two types of formula is their taste and smell. The goat milk formula has a stronger flavor and smell. In general, this is not a problem. Nevertheless, if you would like to switch cow’s formula to goat’s formula, the baby will need some time to adjust to its flavor and taste.
What are the pros and cons of goat milk and cow milk formulas?
In the first place, it should be mentioned that both formulas are very nutritious. Cow milk formula and goat milk formula have analogous nutritive value. They both are rich in proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals, and water.
The first reason for switching the cow’s milk formula to the goat one is the baby’s allergy to cow’s milk. Goat milk has less lactose and other proteins when comparing the two types of formulas. It can be the main cause of a baby’s allergy or lactose intolerance. Goat milk has natural A2 beta-casein. This type of protein is more suitable for little ones with sensitive tummies.
From the first reason comes the second one. The goat’s milk forms a light and soft curd in the baby’s tummy. The goat’s milk formula is easier to digest. Goat milk protein is much closer to breast milk and does not consist of A1 beta-casein.
The fat content in both types of formulas is quite similar. Nevertheless, goat’s milk has more medium-chain fatty acids. It also has natural essential Omega-6 fatty acids. These kinds of fats can be very useful for brain development and a baby’s vision.
In comparison, their nutritious value is practically the same. Let’s look closer at both formulas. Cow milk has more vitamin B12, selenium, and folic acid. At the same time, goat milk has more calcium, potassium, and vitamin A.
As it was mentioned before, goat milk has a stronger flavor and smell. This reason can often be considered as its con. But new parents should not be scared of it. As soon as the baby is adjusted to the new formula – it will taste just fine.
What goat formula is better to choose?
The European market of baby formulas suggests many options for new parents. Jovie goat milk formula is one of them. Jovie is a Dutch company. The formulas are strictly organic and certified with high standards. Brand Jovie offers formulas in different stages:
- Stage 1 is for newborns and to the 6 months of the baby’s life
- Stage 2 is appropriate for babies from 6 months to 12 months
- Stage 3 is suitable for toddlers from 12 months
Of course, as an organic formula, Jovie does not consist of any pesticides, herbicides, steroids, chemicals, or GMO ingredients.
The choice between cow milk and goat milk formulas depends on the individual needs of the baby. In cases when the baby has an allergy to cow’s milk; or it is hard for the baby to digest – the goat milk formulas can become a great alternative to cow milk ones and provide the baby with all the necessary nutrients for growth and development. It is always better to consult the pediatrician regardless of the choice of formula. Remember that a baby’s proper nutrition influences health, growth, and development.