Making a splash in the corporate world and getting attention to your band is a task that all companies must get done. There are many ways to get noticed even in a highly crowded field. One way to help advertise your brand and make clients remember it is with the use of promotional products BrandMe. Well-chosen products have great many advantages. Items that are of use to people are items they will tend to keep on hand. Well-designed items are also items that will get used. Think about things that can make your potential customer’s lives easier. When they have something that fills a need such as keeping the sun out of their eyes or letting keep cool water around, you will establish a lasting bond with your clients and good company associations.
Card Holders
Modern life often means people need to bring lots of cards with them. A person may have a separate card for admission to their hotel room. They’ll have credit cards, a driver’s license and other kinds of cards they need to keep on hand at work or when traveling. Providing people with a convenient place to keep their cards will remind them of your services every time they bring one out. This is a great way to help people stay organized when on the go.
Metal Straws
Straws allow people to drink with ease even when their hands are full of other items. A set of straws that can be used also helps reduce industrial and personal waste. Metal has the additional advantage of keeping beverages cool or hot as needed. You can fit lots of messages on a single straw. Use ink in a contrasting color. For example, if you’re using silvery slaws, you can place lettering in a dark color such as navy or jet black. A simple message with the name of your company is ideal. You can also use this space for your own memorable corporate motto.
Pantone Colored Items
Every year, the color experts at Pantone pick their color of the year. This is a color that gets lots of attention and a great deal of interest. Many people quickly become fond of it as they see it used in varied ways. You can use this recognizable color to your advantage and help get a push from the publicity the company devotes to promoting their yearly color choice. Create a set of items in this color to hand out to people. Find items that people are likely to instantly recognize. For example, a set of socks in color of this kind will amuse and delight the eye. Give people some background information about the color you’re using. This can help them associate your company with a company that is forward thinking and understands many varied trends. It demonstrates that you’re in touch with what is going on in other businesses.
People use sunglasses for many reasons. A set of sunglasses helps protect them from the intense sun. Sunglasses make it possible for people to avoid glare when doing activities such as reading or driving. You can have a set of sunglasses designed for your own use to give to your clients. There are many ways to tie into your business with the pair. You can have an eyeglasses case created with your logo on the top and the sides. You can also have material used to clean the glasses with your corporate logo printed on it. Even the rims can be used to print out a message or place your company’s name there. Look for glasses that appeal to many people. You can opt for glasses for men, women and little kids. Each one can be made of different colors and materials. Little kids love sunglasses of their own with brightly colored rims. Parents can bring them home from a trade show as a present for their children.
Small Tin Boxes
Tin boxes have long been used to store all sorts of items such as pills, sewing supplies and buttons. People like them because they are portable, thin, easy to keep in a purse and help keep them organized. Companies can use small tin boxes as keepsakes for their clients. Each box can be embossed with the company’s name on top and along the sides. The box may also have a message with additional information about the company on the back of it. Fill the boxes with something people can eat. Mints are a good choice that will keep awhile. Once people are done eating the mints, they can use it for other purposes. Add your company’s colors for additional interest that makes the box an even more enticing thing to keep around.
Tote Bags
Everyone needs a place to keep their items as they go about their day. Many people use tote bags. A typical tote bag is a portable item that can be carried with ease and stored away when not in use. Any company owner can create a tote bag that people will want to use. Think about features that make it user friendly. A drawstring closure makes it possible for people to close the bag completely. Bags that are made from lightweight, durable materials such as canvas are bags that many people like to bring home with them.
Water Bottles
Staying hydrated is important to many people. People need to drink to remain in good health. Provide them with a means to keep drinks on hand. Water bottles allow people to bring the liquids they like best. Water bottles can be easily customized. Companies can put them out in many colors of the rainbow. Bottles can also be stored with ease, making it possible to bring them out to a trade show or other location where company officials would like to reach out to their customers. They have the added benefit of being modern and environmentally friendly giveaways.