raw coffee

Coffee as a drink is one of the most loved beverages across the world. Imagine a morning without coffee? It consists of caffeine which helps to energize our body and mind and be active throughout the day. However, not everyone is tolerant of coffee.

It is not uncommon to be allergic to coffee, but it is also not seen in every second person that drinks coffee. The symptoms of coffee allergy are different in every individual. Coffee allergy is caused when the immune system reacts and releases histamine.

Apart from caffeine, there are over 1000 chemical compounds in coffee, and to ascertain which combination is the reason for allergy is a challenging task. However, studies have revealed some common chemicals in coffee that could be the reason for coffee allergy.

As said earlier, coffee contains histamine which could trigger an allergy in your body, but the allergy caused by histamine is not the typical allergy we know of. It is instead an inflammatory symptom which could be very severe in specific individuals. Some people suffer from a condition called “mast cell activation syndrome,” which makes them more sensitive to histamine in food, thus resulting in food intolerance and subsequent release of more histamine in the body.

The caffeine in the coffee can cause reactions in your body. The symptoms of such reactions are nervousness, anxiety and heart racing. These symptoms could also be there because you are allergic to caffeine, and there will be additional signs like numbness, rashes, abdominal pains and flu that could lead to anaphylaxis. However, the mentioned symptoms rarely overlap.

Symptoms of coffee allergy

Coffee allergy if any usually shows within the initial hours after drinking. It affects a lot of parts of your body, and if not treated on time can get worse.

Signs of coffee allergy would include:

  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Swallowing problems
  • Wheezing cough
  • Skin rashes like blotches of inflamed skin or hives
  • Difficulty in catching breath or shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Pale coloured skin
  • Weak pulse
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Congestion

If the allergic conditions are left untreated, it could lead to anaphylaxis, which is life-threatening. Anaphylaxis causes blocking of air pipes and swelling of mouth and throat, which results in severe heart fluctuations rate and drop in blood pressure. Any individual having such symptoms should immediately consult a doctor. Even those people on anti-allergic medicines should not wait and refer to a doctor as early as possible.

Remember, coffee allergy and coffee sensitivity are different.

If you have experienced any of the below-mentioned conditions, it is probably because of coffee sensitivity.

  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • Stomach upset
  • Increased heartbeat and blood pressure
  • Involuntary muscle spasm
  • Insomnia
  • Jitteriness or uneasiness

Any symptoms caused by coffee sensitivity is a temporary phase and would go away once you stop drinking coffee. Coffee, sensitive people can have gastrointestinal problems. The caffeine in the coffee can also weaken the lower part of the food pipe, causing stomach acid to leach and irritate it.

Often caffeine sensitivity in humans is confused with coffee allergy. People who get sick from drinking coffee are usually sensitive to caffeine and not allergic to coffee. Coffee allergy as said earlier is a very rare condition, but coffee sensitivity is not.

Individuals who drink too much coffee on a regular level or have developed a sensitivity to coffee can experience the symptoms mentioned above, even after drinking one cup of coffee. It is also important to note that many human bodies are not able to process caffeine in the system and would react as and when the caffeine interacts with it.

Additional causes for coffee sensitivity

Keeping caffeine aside, there are other reasons for developing unfavourable health conditions in the human body. Often it is seen that the coffee beans during its growing stage and transportation, come in contact with various chemicals and pesticides, which causes a reaction in the body at a later time during the process of drinking.

Choose Low acid Coffee If you have Acid Reflux and digestive issues

Nowadays, with the junk food we’ve been eating, incorrect food schedules, and hectic lifestyle leading to severe digestive issues. Our metabolism slowly reduces and the digestive system fails to work as actively as it should be. And reflective diseases lead to a painful burn in the chest area when the stomach acids mix with the food. All these are the side-effects of an unhealthy lifestyle but while making the career, we’ll have to sacrifice these. If you’re a coffee addict but have digestion and acid reflux issues, low acid coffees can be a best option for you. As the name says, it has less acidic properties in the coffee, and helps you get over these issues eventually. So, you don’t have to give up on your coffee just because you have some issues.

If you have symptoms of acid reflux and digestive issues, you can simply choose a coffee which has less acid in it. If you feel like you need to bury yourself in search of the low acidic coffees now, we’ve got that covered too. Low acid coffee can be your rescue to the taste buds and give you the relaxation just the way you need it. This website has a detailed guide on choosing the best low acid coffee, you may be interested in checking it out.

Even drinking coffee with milk could lead to reactions from dairy products. The excess sweetening of your coffee may cause a reaction in your body from sugar.

Recent studies have also revealed that coffee beans have mycotoxins which come from the fungi present in the beans that have survived the roasting process. Such toxins could lead to coffee allergy.

People who are unaware of their sensitivity or allergy to coffee should always consult a doctor first, whenever they come across any symptoms, which is not their usual condition.


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