cbd oil

CBD hemp flower and marijuana (weed) have long been confused by many because of their similar looks, smells, and especially smoke. The fact that marijuana and hemp are so often referred to as “strains” or “species” of cannabis does not mean they represent the same thing. Marijuana contains a high Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) level – this is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that can mess with your brain chemistry and produce a “high-sensation”.

We all know that smoking marijuana will get you high because of the high THC level, but the real question is – will smoking CBD hemp flower like Bubba Kush get you high as well? This piece will address this question and also talk about the difference between marijuana and CBD hemp flower.

What is CBD Hemp Flower?

The word “Hemp” is used to classify Cannabis strains containing no more than 0.3% of THC by dry weight. The classification was first proposed in a book titled “The Species Problem in Cannabis” back in 1979. Ernest Small (the author) noted the difficulty of distinguishing cannabis and hemp since there is no real taxonomical distinction between them.

Small acknowledged that his proposed maximum THC level of 0.3% for hemp was an arbitrary figure to help distinguish them. His proposal received no legal acceptance until the introduction of the 2018 Agricultural Act in the U.S. The term “hemp” has ever since been used to describe non-intoxicating cannabis generally.

CBD hemp flower is that class of cannabis that contains no more than 0.3% content of THC. Unlike marijuana that contains a high THC content, usually 15 – 25%, and zero amount of CBD, CBD hemp flower is highly rich in CBD and typically contains less than 0.3% THC. CBD hemp flower is not psychoactive; hence it cannot produce “high sensation” or mess with your brain chemistry when smoked or vaped. It is the best option for those who want to benefit from CBD without a psychoactive effect for professional or religious reasons.

How does CBD Work?

When taken, CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and positively influence how the system functions. The endocannabinoid system is a complex web of neurotransmitters and cell receptors that manages a broad range of critical biological functions in the body. It keeps the body in balance by releasing cannabinoids to control or regulate appetite, memory, sleep, response to pain, and many other essential functions.

The body needs to be kept in an equilibrium state due to its continual response to external factors. Consuming enough CBD will influence the body’s endocannabinoid system to release more cannabinoids needed to keep the body in a balanced state as it reacts to its surroundings.

Choosing CBD hemp flower that best suits your need

To get the best out of CBD, one must select the appropriate strain or CBD hemp flower species. Like cannabis, there are different types of CBD hemp flower with different effects. While some CBD hemp flower strains deliver more of a sleeping or relaxing effect like Bubba Kush, others work better in creativity. It’s important to note that most CBD strains, including Bubba Kush, are dominant hybrid species, and they deliver a broad effect.

Buying your CBD hemp flower from a reliable and trusted source is key. Are you looking for where you can get the best quality strains online? Dr. Ganja is your best bet. Check out our Bubba Kush Strain and other quality strains. At Dr. Ganja, our products come with the most amazing terpene profile for the best relaxation and creativity effect.

Why should you smoke CBD hemp flower?

The most important thing in consuming CBD products is getting CBD delivered to the bloodstream as quickly as possible. Amongst all the methods of taking CBD like capsules, lotion, tinctures, edibles, etc., one of the greatest methods is smoking or vaping. Unlike other methods where the body must first break the CBD down before sending it to the bloodstream. Smoking CBD hemp flower gets CBD directly to the lungs and bloodstream in the shortest possible time.

Can You get high by smoking CBD Hemp Flower?

The correct and simple answer is NO. As stated earlier, while marijuana contains a high THC level responsible for the overwhelming and unpleasant effect of “high sensation,” CBD hemp flower usually contains less than 0.3% THC, which is not high enough to mess with your brain chemistry. CBD hemp flower relaxes your muscles, give you proper sleep, and enhance your creativity.

If you are looking to tap from the amazing benefits of pure cannabis without altering your mind or brain chemistry, try our Bubba Kush Strain. Strains come with many health benefits, and some of these are listed below.

Benefits of smoking CBD hemp flower

  • Delivers all CBD therapeutic benefits, including relieving pain, seizure, anxiety, inflammation, mood, memory improvement, etc
  • It won’t get you high like marijuana
  • It’s legal
  • Gives higher bioavailability
  • Acts faster than other methods of taking CBD
  • It’s relatively affordable

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