With only 24 hours in a day, striking a good balance between work, social life and fitness is a real challenge. Many people chose to dedicate most of their time to one thing in their life and almost completely neglect the other two which results in stress, anxiety, depression and other health issues. So, if you’re struggling to juggle these three major life parts, here’s a little guide that will certainly help on your quest towards balance.
Make a fool-proof schedule
Achieving a good balance between work, socializing and fitness rarely just happens. Everyone who manages to fit everything in has a fool-proof daily and weekly schedule to stick to. So, every Sunday, sit down and make a list of all the activities, meetings, deadlines and events you have in the upcoming week. Make sure to list them in order of priority and you’ll know exactly when and what you need to do. This way, you’ll notice you actually have more free time than you thought!
Work out in the morning
Workouts shouldn’t be put into a ‘chore’ category. Essentially, when you exercise, you’re giving yourself some much-needed ‘me’ time which is super important for achieving life balance. Many of us feel guilty about exercising because we think it’s selfish to spend time in the gym when we could be catching up with work or hanging out with friends and family. So, here’s a neat idea: Do your workout early in the morning when everyone’s asleep and your workday hasn’t started yet. This way, you’ll be able to dedicate your other free time to family, friends, hobbies and work.
Try to combine your fitness and social life
You don’t have to hit the gym alone in order to burn some calories. If your partner or friends are into it, make it a fun social activity. Cardio sessions can also be done outside, so grab your friends for a game of tennis, go rowing on a lake or take a nice hike. Dancing is another great activity that won’t only help you unwind and hang out with friends but also give you a good workout. So, if you have a night off, hit a dance club and get your freak on. Expand your vision of what exercising means and you’ll find various great activities that will allow you to combine your fitness and social life.
Eat well and smart
Providing your body with necessary nutrients is essential, especially when you have a tight schedule. If you take up exercising in the morning, you can still have a healthy breakfast or snack, even in a hurry. There are thousands of healthy and fast recipes and tips on nutrition and all agree that skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Your morning meal will not only fuel you after your workout but also allow you to perform great at work, feel full until lunch and come back home (relatively) fresh. There are also various different juicers on websites such as Hombre Golf Club that will allow you to whip up a healthy morning drink to sip on after your workout, with breakfast or on your way to work. Find your perfect fruit/veggie combo and you’ll have a fresh drink full of vitamins and minerals whenever you want. You won’t even think about reaching for sugary sodas!
Avoid alcohol
Many people who love to go out simply don’t know how to do it unless they drink. While a drink here and there won’t hurt you, drinking too much will not only affect your work performance and health but also undo all the hard work you’re putting up in the gym. For instance, here are some alcohol calorie facts: one pint of beer has around 150 calories and one Piña Colada will hit you with unbelievable 490 calories! That’s a lot! So, instead of just reaching out mindlessly for these calorie bombs, try drinking water or switching to something light like champagne or one vodka soda (less than 100 calories) and remember to drink plenty of water. You won’t only spend quality time with your friends but also feel fresh in the morning and look fit.
Know your strengths and weaknesses
Are you a morning person? If yes, then go hard in the morning, especially at work. Don’t leave demanding tasks for the afternoon when you’re starting to lose focus and energy. Are you a social butterfly? You must know people who are into fitness and are willing to work out with you. Find other strengths in your life and make sure to use that potential to the fullest.
Learn to say no
This tiny word is often one of the hardest to say in the vocabulary, but if you use it at the right time, it can save you a lot of time and money. Don’t want to go out and get drunk with friends? Just say no. Don’t want to take up that extra shift at work? Collect your thoughts, find a good argument and say no. It will save you from many unwanted situations and it will open up a work of work, fitness and social life opportunities.
Balancing work, social life and fitness might sound like mission impossible, but with good planning and some effort, you’ll manage to cram everything into these short 24 hours!